This is a Public-Private Partnership engagement programme which aims to provide access-to-energy services through the installation of biogas digesters in partnership with local enterprises, NGOs, and governments. After a first phase, the focus for the second phase will be on improving customer service and climate finance opportunities through the sale of carbon credits on international markets.
Main Objectives
To contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals through sustained construction of domestic biogas plants as a local, sustainable energy source.
Main Activities
Development of a commercially viable and market-oriented biogas sector
Outcomes and Impact
Supported the installation of nearly 60,000 biodigesters
A growing number of enterprises are delivering quality products and services to meet the increasing demand for sustainable biogas solutions
Improved cook stoves have proliferated and many models are available
Negotiations involved
Type of Intervention
Annual Budget (in millions)
Currency Used
Patnering Entities
Development Partner
Implementing Agency
Development Partner
Implementing Agency
Financing Agency
Countries Active
Energy Sectors and Subsectors
Renewable Energy
Clean Cooking Energy
Conference Report. Africa Biogas and Clean Cooking Conference. 5-7 April 2016, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. May 2016. https://www.africabiogas.org/download/159/.